Friday 23 July 2010

A Reply

I'd originally planned for a comment, but then it got out of hand.

First, intelligence isn't transmitted that way. This odd sort of intellectual communism, where everyone has it just right isn't biologically possible. Even if you killed off or castrated the unintelligent and force the rest to breed prolifically, it wouldn't. Some names do spring to mind, but I won't name the people I'm tempted to kill here.

Intelligence sort of pops up unexpectedly, but more often, it's nurtured and grown, by the environment. Intelligence isn't going to be wiped out, but it is most definitely going to remain marginalized. Educated people, who are more likely to provide an education for their children, are also the kind who marry late and have fewer kids, so it decreases. From India to the bible belt in the US, statistics show this. So as the population increases, it's more often uneducated, people who have more kids, and the number of intelligent people does not decrease in a linear manner, and if your theory worked as planned, we would have drifted over to the far more unintelligent by now. But intelligence is hard to pinpoint, except for the Jews in the middle-east, who have higher average IQ.

Also, more people being at the same level just means they are going to disagree about the same things. You will just have less variety in terms of topics as well as arguments. There is no difference between Harun Yahya, and Kent Hovind(okay, I won't name all the names). Intellectually, they are both bankrupt, they are liars and frauds, but they have just enough neurons to keep their fraud going. Same level of stupidity, but still conflict will not die down. Or a better example, is Indian politics. Just the same. They all say the same things and are just about smart enough to keep their gig going.

Also, the idea of living in harmony with the planet won't really last, especially since the planet never wanted to live in harmony with us. Honestly, how long till the next ice age, when we all go extinct? The volcano at Yellowstone national park is about 30,000 years overdue, if I remember correctly. And when that blows, I don't think any of us want to be around. North America completely obliterated, rest of the world affected by tsunamis, covered in smoke, dust and storms. Or the next disaster that affects us. The environment will screw us over, a thousand times over, like it's always done. We will fail, since we've gone and evolved so much we won't survive the next great upheaval. We are still tuned for survival, but our bodies, are beyond the point of no return. Unlike cockroaches, who I still bet on. Override the programming I say. We aren't built to survive in harmony, we are a flash in the pan, and I will have my fun. Hedonism, is now the point of life for me, not survival, unless it gives you, personally, more time for hedonism. I'm not saying litter irresponsibly, or do things that will have an immediate negative effect, but please, don't talk about the whole planet as an organism, leave that to all the New Age people. 

Hypothetically, we could mould the planet to suit our survival perfectly, but that would require psychohistory. But until Asimov's and many a sci-fi nerd's dreams are realized, we won't have any idea of what it takes.

Lastly, would you want a comfortable in between? I'd rather hope for the next Nikola Tesla, the next mad scientist who can boast of being able to split the earth in two. Or the next Frank Zappa, or Neil Gaiman. That is what makes being a member of the human species exciting, doing your own thing, doing the fun thing. We might destroy the environment, but hey, we're not the ones who asked for opposable thumbs.

EDIT: Ever since I put up this post, I've been dissatisfied with it. I might edit it later, or delete it, until I feel better about it. There is more that I want to say, but I don't think this is the right place.

Saturday 13 February 2010

Female Chauvinism

This is something I wrote in my first year in EFLU. A very inspired piece, I must say.

According to Wikipedia, chivalry consists of the following:
1. 1. Willingness to give up your life for a ‘noble cause’.
2. 2. Obedience to religion.
3. 3. Courtesy, especially towards women.
Joining the army just to be called chivalrous is like buying a minor airliner for the complimentary peanuts. I personally think that defending your nation, etc are nice things to do, but let it go to people whose mentality is better suited to it. Noble Causes are not my cup of tea. I would probably do better elsewhere. This part of chivalry is still present, and is drilled into the head of every soldier subconsciously. But they have bigger things to worry about than this, so let it go for now.
Obedience to religion is the last thing I would associate myself with, having been classified as a raving atheist. This is not associated with chivalry anymore, so I guess my religious views don’t matter.
According to Radhika and Manasa I am chivalrous, so I guess point 3 is good for me (and other unfortunate people).
What some women do not realize is that point 3 was born out of male chauvinism. To be more precise it was born out of condescension towards women (opening doors to protect delicate little hands, etc). That has been regarded as a major offense ever since women were allowed to vote in the West. Since point 3 was useful and minor, women decided to keep it. A lot of them still insist on us doing things for them such as carrying little things, giving up seats in buses etc. Making a fuss about a minor irritant is not something men (especially chivalrous men) do. The fact that it is indoctrinated in a way similar to religion makes it harder on men, and becomes an integral part of the male ego, that most men cannot seem to survive without. Bollywood and other mainstream influences continue this, and propagate it to an ever wider audience, serving it up as an essential side dish to the fight scenes conducted to save the female lead (This is not a heroine, this is female lead).
Even now, my brand of equality seems to surprise many women, which is more annoying than anything else. We men don’t even get anything in return for chivalry except for some good will. This is earned by general politeness all round anyway. Adding up, nothing is left of chivalry except for men doing things for women for no good reason, being used if you will, therefore the term female chauvinism.

· P.S. Since this article is on female chauvinism, no criticism will be accepted from any female, as they are likely to be prejudiced against me.

· P..P.S. Validation! This came to my notice just now, and here's to those who still don't believe me.

Sunday 3 January 2010

A Small Introduction

This is what will hopefully make me as a person, easily understood by my readers, etc. I doubt there will be another post anytime soon, but here goes.

Must have fun. Homer Simpson is my only god. Oscar Wilde is somewhere up there too. Will worry about things only when absolutely necessary. There is no free will. Materialism comes closest to my world-view. Somewhere between constructivism and empiricism, with a lot of hidden pessimism thrown in. Redheads... Kinda like objectivism, though obviously, capitalism doesn't do as much for individualism as its made out to do. Am right-centrist. Yes, individualism too. I could add a a few other isms here, like hedonism and epicureanism, but to sort through the whole mess would be a problem. And most of all, besides all these, my decisions are affected by my laziness, which seems to overpower all these fancy things. Besides, the way I think is something I want to keep to myself.

Read a lot of stuff, love fantasy and sci-fi. Like a lot of serious books too, but not the stuff that has been winning the bookers etc for the past few years. Listen to a lot of stuff, preferably progressive music. Most people wouldn't know music if it came up and bit them on the ass- Frank Zappa. Do not care to see what real life is like, will find out when I have to, for now, content in my little bubble. Read some manga too, though not much now. Like to game, rpgs, rts' and anything that will make me think a little(just a little). If there's things I don't like, its all the overrated crap in the mainstream, and utterly stupid people. Life is too short to be wasted, in this manner. I wish to waste mine differently, and in a unique and awesome manner.

Will edit this post with my changing personality.